Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Kidulthood: Activity 2

What is meant by the team docu-drama?
Wikipedia definition - In film, television programming and staged theatre, docudrama is a documentary-style genre that features dramatized re-enactments of actual historical events. As a neologism, the term is often confused with docufiction.

Gang culture and crime.
I think Menhaj Huda has portrayed a small section of west London in this film as not all west London is this rough although some parts of it is. I also believe that he has stereotyped his characters as not all young people are this rough and violent.

Here i have proof that it does happen in west london but it doesn't happen everywhere.

1.    Kidultood has been classified as a ‘docu- drama’. If you had to choose one that represented the story line correctly, documentary or drama, which would you chose and why?
I would choose a drama as i feel the film has exaggerated the storyline too far out of            proportion to be non-fiction and to be classed as a documentary.

2.    If you were asked to produce a ‘docu-soap’ what would it be based on?
      I would have liked to base mine on how young people are portrayed in the media as i believe this is a strong issue but as that is so closely related to kidulthood i don't think i would get many viewers so i would go for how the media makes young people see them selves. 
      I would do this by having a group of average teens trying to become models for a high street agentcy, after a while of trying they eventuly get the job but in the end it shows how much they're photoshopped.

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